Are you ready to create homemade butterscotch ice cream? In today's recipe, I'll guide you
through the process. No need for store-bought ice cream powders—just a few simple
ingredients . Join me, Hetal, in the Kitchen Kraft, as we explore the art of making
homemade ice cream


Step 1: Preparing Milk Mixture
Details and Information:
Start by selecting high-quality full-fat milk for a rich and creamy texture in your ice cream.
Full-fat milk contains a higher percentage of fat,
Cornflour or milk powder acts as a thickening agent in the milk mixture, helping to create a
smooth and rich consistency. If you're on a diet , go for milk powder instead of cornflour.
1. Pour 500 ml of full-fat milk into a saucepan and add 2 tablespoons of cornflour (or 3
tablespoons of milk powder for fasting).
2. Mix the milk and cornflour/milk powder thoroughly until well combined, ensuring there are
no lumps.
3. Heat the milk mixture over low heat, stirring continuously to prevent the formation of
4. Once the mixture begins to thicken slightly, add sugar to taste, approximately half a cup.
Adjust the sweetness according to your preference.
5. Continue to simmer the milk mixture for 8-10 minutes until it reaches a thick and creamy
consistency. Be careful not to let it boil excessively.

6. Once thickened, remove the saucepan from the heat and allow the mixture to cool to room
temperature. Stir occasionally to prevent a skin from forming on the surface of the milk.
Step 2: Preparing Butterscotch Crunch
Details and Information:
Butterscotch crunch adds delightful texture and flavor to the ice cream, converting it from
ordinary to extraordinary. This crunchy element is made by caramelizing sugar and
combining it with butter and chopped nuts.
Almonds and cashews provide a nutty richness to the butterscotch crunch, complementing
the creamy sweetness of the ice cream.
1. In a separate pan, caramelize 1 cup of sugar over medium heat until it turns a deep
golden brown color. Avoid stirring the sugar too much to prevent crystallization.
2. Once the sugar has caramelized, add 2 tablespoons of butter to the pan and stir until
melted and well combined.
3. Stir in half a cup of chopped almonds and cashews, ensuring they are evenly coated with
the caramel mixture.
4. Spread the mixture onto a greased surface or baking paper, allowing it to cool and harden.
5. Once cooled, break the butterscotch crunch into small, bite-sized pieces using a knife or
your hands. These crunchy nuggets will be the perfect addition to your homemade ice
Step 3: Churning Ice Cream
Details and Information:
Whipping cream is the key ingredient that gives the ice cream its creamy texture and airy
consistency. Make sure to use chilled whipping cream straight from the refrigerator for best
Butterscotch essence adds a distinct flavor to the ice cream, It enhances the overall taste
profile and elevates the indulgence factor of the dessert.
1. In a mixing bowl, whip 1 cup of whipping cream using an electric beater until stiff peaks
form. This may take 2-3 minutes, depending on the speed of your beater.

2. Gradually pour the cooled milk mixture into the whipped cream, incorporating it gently to
maintain the airy texture.
3. Add a few drops of orange food color (if using) and approximately half a teaspoon of
butterscotch essence to the mixture. Adjust the amount of essence according to your
preference for flavor intensity.
4. Fold in the crushed butterscotch crunch, reserving some for garnishing.
5. Transfer the ice cream mixture into a freezer-safe container, ensuring it's tightly sealed to
prevent ice crystals from forming.
6. Place the container in the freezer and let the ice cream set for at least 7-8 hours or
overnight until firm.
Congratulations! You've successfully created of homemade butterscotch ice cream. Serve
scoops of this creamy delight in bowls or cones, garnished with additional butterscotch
crunch for added texture and flavor. This homemade treat is guaranteed to satisfy your
sweet cravings. Remember to store the ice cream in an airtight container in the freezer to
maintain its freshness and prevent freezer burn.


- 500 ml Full-Fat Milk
- 2 tablespoons Cornflour (or 5-6 tablespoons Milk Powder for fasting)
- 3 tablespoons Milk Powder
- 1/2 cup Sugar (adjust to taste)
- 2 tablespoons Butter
- 1 cup Whipping Cream
- Orange Food Color (optional)
- Butterscotch Essence (about 1/2 teaspoon)
- Half cup Almonds and Cashews, chopped

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