Btaka nu shak

An authentic Gujarati dish called Rasawalu Bataka nu Shaak originates using potatoes cooked in a rich sauce and spiced with a combination of spices that symbolize Gujarati food. This dish offers a tantalizing medley of flavours and textures, combining the earthy richness of potatoes with a tangy, mildly sweet gravy.


Prepare Potatoes: Peel and chop the potatoes into large pieces. To stop them from discolouring, put them in a bowl of water.
2)  Prepare Masala: Grind coriander seeds, cumin seeds, fennel seeds, green chilies, and ginger to a partially ground powder using a grinder or processor.
3)  Cooking Process:
Heat a pressure cooker and add oil and clarified butter.
Add mustard seeds and asafoetida. Let them crackle.
Add the partially ground masala to the cooker.
Add the finely chopped tomatoes and salt. Cook until the tomatoes soften.
Add red chilli powder, black salt, garam masala, turmeric powder, and amchur powder. Stir well.
Drain the water from the bowl containing the potatoes and add them to the cooker. Make sure the masala coats the potatoes evenly.
Let it rest for a short time.
Pour in hot water, cover the cooker with its lid, and cook for a few minutes after the pressure cooker whistles.
4)   Prepare Tempering:
In a separate pan, heat clarified butter.
Add asafoetida, curry leaves, and red chilli powder, and turn off the gas. Mix well.
Add the water and mix it well.
Add mashed potatoes (selected from the cooked potatoes in the pressure cooker) to this mixture.
Simmer for a few minutes.
5)  Final Steps:
Add the tempered mixture to the pressure cooker containing the cooked potatoes.
Cook on low heat for a few minutes.
Turn off the heat and let the dish rest for a while.
6)   Garnish: Garnish the prepared dish with finely chopped coriander leaves.
Grind masala coarsely for enhanced flavour.
Ensure potatoes are well-coated with masala.
Adjust spice levels cautiously.
Control water for desired consistency.


1)   For Shaak (Curry):
Potatoes: 3 pieces (weight = 250g)
Oil: 3 Tablespoons
Clarified Butter (Ghee): 1 Teaspoon
Mustard Seeds: 1 Teaspoon
Asafoetida: 1 Teaspoon (¾ Teaspoon for cooking and ¼ Teaspoon for tempering)
Whole Coriander: 1 Teaspoon
Cumin Seeds: ½ Teaspoon
Fennel seeds: ½ Teaspoon
Green Chillies: 2 pieces (plus some for garnishing)
Ginger: a small piece
Tomatoes: 1 medium-sized, finely chopped
Salt: to taste
Red Chilli Powder: 2 Teaspoons (1 Teaspoon for cooking, ½ Teaspoon for tempering)
Black Salt: ½ Teaspoon
Garam Masala: 1 Teaspoon
Turmeric Powder: 1 Teaspoon
Amchur Powder (Dry Mango Powder): 1 Teaspoon
Hot Water: 1 cup
Coriander Leaves: chopped for garnishing
2)   For Tempering:
Clarified Butter (Ghee): 1 Teaspoon
Asafoetida: ¼ Teaspoon
Curry Leaves: 3 to 4 leaves
Kashmiri Red Chilli Powder: ½ Teaspoon
Water: 1 cup

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