Dungri Bhajiya

Dungri Bhajiya Recipe
Hello friends, I am Hetal. Welcome to Kitchen kraft. Today, I am going to share with you a
special version of onion bhajiya made with green mangoes (carry). This unique combination
of ingredients will give our bhajiya a distinct, delicious taste.


1. Preparing the Ingredients:
1. Slice the Onions:
- Thinly slice the onions and separate the slices using your hands to ensure they don't stick
together. This step is crucial because it helps in even frying and prevents clumping, which
can lead to uneven cooking.
2. Slice the Green Mango:
- Peel the green mango and slice it thinly, similar to how you slice sev. The totapuri variety
is preferred due to its mild sourness, which complements the natural sweetness of the
onions perfectly.
3. Mix Onions and Mango:
- In a bowl, mix the sliced onions and green mango thoroughly. Ensure the slices are well
distributed for a balanced flavor in every bite.
- Using totapuri mango adds a mild sourness that balances the sweetness of the onions.
- Separating the onion slices helps them cook evenly and prevents clumping.

2. Preparing the Masala:
1. Heat Oil:
- Heat some oil in a pan for deep frying. It's essential to have the oil ready and hot by the
time you start frying the bhajiya.
2. Mix Spices:
- Add 1 tsp ajwain, 2 tsp red chili powder, 1/2 tsp turmeric powder, 1/2 tsp asafoetida, and
salt to taste to the onion-mango mixture. Adjust the red chili powder according to your spice
- Add finely chopped coriander leaves for a fresh, aromatic touch. Coriander leaves not
only add flavor but also a pleasant color to the bhajiya.
3. Coat with Oil:
- Add a small amount of oil to the mixture and mix well. This step is crucial as it helps coat
the onions and mango slices, preventing them from releasing too much water when mixed
with the spices and besan.
- Adding oil to the mixture helps in better binding and ensures the bhajiya remain crispy after
- Mixing the spices well with the onions and mango ensures an even distribution of flavors.
3. Adding Besan:
1. Mix Besan:
- Gradually add chana besan to the mixture. Add it in small quantities, ensuring you mix
well after each addition. This prevents lumps and ensures an even coating.
- Besan is only for binding, so add just enough to hold the mixture together. The bhajiya
should have more of the onion and mango flavor than besan.
2. Bind with Oil:
- If needed, add a little more oil to bind the mixture. Do not add water as it can make the
batter too runny. The oil helps in binding and contributes to the crispiness of the bhajiya.
- Adding besan gradually ensures the bhajiya retains the flavor of onions and mangoes
without tasting too much like besan.
- Oil helps in binding and makes the bhajiya crispy.
4. Shaping and Frying Bhajiya:
1. Heat Oil:
- Heat oil in a deep frying pan on medium to high flame. Test the oil temperature by
dropping a small piece of the mixture into the oil. It should sizzle and rise to the surface
2. Shape the Bhajiya:

- Grease your hands with a little oil or water. Take a small portion of the mixture and drop it
into the hot oil without shaping it too perfectly. This gives the bhajiya a rustic, uneven shape,
which helps in achieving maximum crispiness.
3. Frying:
- Fry the bhajiya on medium to high flame. Adjust the flame if needed to ensure the bhajiya
cooks evenly and becomes crispy.
- Fry until the bhajiya are golden brown and crispy. Turn them occasionally for even
4. Drain and Serve:
- Once fried, remove the bhajiya and drain excess oil on a paper towel. Serve them hot
with your favorite chutney or a cup of tea.
- Maintain the oil temperature between medium and high. If the oil is too cool, the bhajiya will
absorb more oil and become soggy.
- Avoid overcrowding the pan to ensure each bhajiya cooks evenly.
Our delicious Dungry Bhajiya is ready to serve! Enjoy these crispy, flavorful snacks with your
favorite chutney or tea. They are perfect for any occasion and are sure to be a hit. For more
such unique recipes, visit our channel and website. Happy cooking!
Additional Tips and Precautions:
- Consistency: Ensure the mixture has a thick consistency to hold the shape without adding
- Oil Temperature: The oil should be hot but not smoking. Test with a small drop of batter; it
should sizzle and rise immediately.
- Serving: Serve bhajiya hot for the best taste and texture. They tend to lose crispiness when
- Safety: Be cautious while frying to avoid oil splatters. Use long utensils to turn the bhajiya.
- Storage: Bhajiya are best enjoyed fresh. If you need to store them, keep them in an airtight
container to retain their crispiness for a few hours.


Main Ingredients:
- 2 large onions (thinly sliced)
- 1 medium-sized totapuri green mango (thinly sliced)
- 1 cup chana besan (gram flour)
- 1 tsp ajwain (carom seeds)
- 2 tsp red chili powder (Kashmiri red chili for less heat)
- 1/2 tsp turmeric powder
- 1/2 tsp asafoetida (hing)
- Salt to taste
- 2-3 tbsp finely chopped coriander leaves
- Oil (for frying and a bit for mixing)

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