Gol Keri nu Athanu

 Gol Keri nu Athanu (Sweet and Sour Mango Pickle)
Setup Time:
Cooking Time:
Total Duration: 40 minutes
Course: Condiment
Cuisine: Gujarati
Origin: Gujarat, India
Brief Description:
Gol Keri nu Athanu is a traditional Gujarati pickle made from raw mangoes, sugar, and spices.
A popular side dish for Gujarati dinners, this pickle's tart and sweet taste infuses any dish with flavour. It is usually eaten with rice meals or with flatbreads like roti or Thepla.
Preserves the flavours of summer mangoes for year-round enjoyment
Reflects the vibrant culinary tradition of Gujarat, India


First, take Hard Rajapuri mangoes around 1kg and clean them with water. Now, peel the skin off from the mango.
After that, cut the first mango into medium size.
Now, put that mango in the bowl.
After that, take that second mango, grate them, and put them in another bowl.
Add Salt – 1+1/2 Teaspoon, Turmeric - 1 Teaspoon in the second bowl. Mix them properly.
The second bowl filled with grated mangoes will not take much time, and left the second bowl filled with grated mangoes for about 8 to 10 hours.
Throughout 8 to 10 hours, give them two to three stirs.
Add Salt - 1 to 1+1/2 Teaspoon, Turmeric - 1 Teaspoon in the first bowl of chopped mangoes. Mix them properly.
It will take some time to make the first bowl of diced mango, so leave it filled with chopped mangos for at least eight to ten hours.
Throughout 8 to 10 hours, give them two to three stirs.
After 8 hours, as you can see in the first bowl, The chopped mangoes get separated from the sour water.
The second bowl contains identical contents, but the grated mangoes are mushy.
Place the sieve in the primary bowl after removing the skinned mangoes and placing them inside.
Now, use your hand and press the grated mangoes to remove the water from it and put them aside.
As you can see, we got some additional water in the first bowl that we removed from the peeled mangoes.
Put those chopped mangoes into the strainer to remove all the soury water and collect it in that first bowl.
After that, put those chopped mangoes aside as well.
Take a bowl, and add Dried dates - 6 small pieces. After adding the acidic liquid from the first dish, leave it alone for two to three hours.
Next, take one cotton towel and lay our chopped and grated mangoes over it to allow some natural air to reach it. Now, let it get dry for 5 to 6 hours.
Now, take them out and put them inside a big pot.
Mix them properly with your hands. Add Sweet Pickle Spice - 200g, Jaggery - 800, and mix them properly.
Now, add Pandadi Red Chilli - 4 Tablespoons. Mix them properly.
Now, take a pan, heat the oil to 350g, and let it boil for a while.
Once the oil is hot enough, add fennel seeds - 2 spoons, dry red chilli - 2 pieces. Add dried date and oil filled with fennel and dry red chillies in the pickle.
Mix them, pressure them, and let it be for a while. Stir the jaggery every two to three hours to ensure it is properly blended.
After a day, our pickle is almost ready. However, some parts of jaggery are left behind to be combined.
Our Gol Keri Pickle will be ready after 1 more day.
For Storage:
Always store them in small glass bottles.
Pickle should be added if it completes the small bottle.
Use ripe but firm mangoes for optimal flavour.
Stir mangoes during soaking for even seasoning.
Use a fine-mesh strainer to remove excess water.
Dry mangoes in a well-ventilated area on a clean cloth.
Monitor drying closely to prevent over-drying.
Avoid over-soaking mangoes to prevent excessive saltiness.
Take caution when handling hot oil to avoid burns.
Store pickles away from sunlight to avoid spoilage.
Check glass bottles for cracks before storing them.
Open bottles cautiously to release built-up pressure.


Rajapuri mango - 1kg
Oil - 300 to 350 grams
Pickle Masala - 200 gram
Jaggery - 800 Grams
Pandadi red chilli - 4 to 5 Tablespoon
Fennel seeds - 2 Teaspoon
Dry Red Chilli – 2-piece
Oil – 350gms
Dry dates – 5-6 pieces
Salt as per taste
Turmeric powder – 2 tbsp.
Red chilli powder – 4 tbsp

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