Today, I am going to share with you the recipe for Idada, a dish that is as delicious , heatlhy
and easy to preapare . . During the summer season, we often prepare Idada. So, let's see
how to make Idada.
Hello friends, I am Hetal. Welcome to Kitchen Crafts. Let's start making today's delicious


1. Preparation:
a. Washing and Soaking:
- Wash the rice and dal separately 3-4 times until the water runs clear.
- Soak the rice and dal separately in water for 6-7 hours.
2. Grinding:
a. Rice:
- Drain the soaked rice and grind it in batches, adding 2 tablespoons of curd with each
batch if desired.
- Transfer the rice paste to a large utensil with some height to allow for rising.
b. Dal:
- Drain the soaked dal and grind it into a fine, smooth paste.
- Add the dal paste to the rice paste and mix thoroughly by hand to facilitate faster

3. Fermentation:
a. Resting:
- Cover the utensil with a plate and let it ferment.
- In summer, fermentation takes about 8 hours; in winter, it takes about 12 hours.
4. Post-Fermentation:
a. Consistency Check:
- After fermentation, if the paste is too thick, add a little water to achieve a dropping
b. Adding Spices:
- Add salt to taste.
- Mix in 2 tablespoons of oil, which helps keep the Idada soft even after cooling.
- Add green chilies and ginger paste. Mix well.
5. Preparation for Steaming:
a. Greasing the Plate:
- Grease the steaming plate with oil to ensure the Idada comes out easily.
b. Eno:
- Before steaming, add 1/4 teaspoon of Eno to the portion of the paste you are using. Mix
well for better fermentation.
6. Steaming:
a. Spreading the Paste:
- Spread the paste evenly on the greased plate.
- Sprinkle black pepper powder on top (you can also use red chili powder if desired).
b. Steaming Process:
- Ensure the water in the steamer is very hot before placing the plate in it.
- Steam the Idada for about 12 minutes on high flame.
7. Finishing:
a. Cooling and Cutting:
- After steaming, let the Idada cool for 2-3 minutes.
- Brush the top with oil to prevent the upper layer from drying out.
- Let it cool for another 2-3 minutes before cutting into squares or diamond shapes.

Your soft, white as milk Idada is ready to serve. Enjoy this delicious dish with your family and
friends. If you liked this recipe, please share it and subscribe for more delicious recipes.


- Main Ingredients:
- 3 bowls of rice (used for making khichdi, rasining, jeera, or kanki)
- 1 bowl of arhar dal (split pigeon peas)
- 2 tablespoons of curd (optional)
- 2 tablespoons of oil
- 1 teaspoon of green chilies and ginger paste
- Salt to taste
- 1/4 teaspoon of Eno fruit salt
- Black pepper powder for sprinkling

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