Kaju Pista Roll

Kaju Pista Roll

Today I am going to share with you an expensive sweet available in the market, which makes us want to buy it just by looking at it and that is Kaju Pista Roll. You can easily make this perfect recipe at home. Hello friends, all of you are very welcome to Kitchen Craft Recipe. So let's start making today's fun recipe. To make Kaju Pista Roll at home like the market,



I have taken 300 grams of cashew nuts. If you want, you can also take chopped cashew nuts. We have to take 300 grams of sugar and 100 grams of milk powder and I have taken 50 grams of pistachios.
 Which I had soaked in lukewarm water for half an hour so that we can easily remove its peel. Now we have to grind the cashew nuts. So for that, we will grind the cashew nuts in a mixer jar, but half the cashew nuts Do not add too much quantity at once, otherwise your mixer will heat up and the cashews will release oil. So you have to run the mixer on pulse mode, turn the mixer intermittently so that the cashews are grinded very well but no oil comes out of them. Now what will you do, if any big piece is left, then it will get separated easily.
 For this, we have to sieve it and whenever you buy cashews, if the cashews are kept in the fridge, then take them out two hours in advance and keep them outside. The cashews that are in the fridge, if you put them in the mixer jar and grind them immediately, then they will release their water and a little oil will also be released inside your cashews, so keep the cashews at room temperature and then grind them. So see, I have sieved it in this way and when we grind the bigger part, we will add it with the cashews the second time and again we have to do the same process.
 So see, I had 300 grams of cashews, so I put them in two pieces. We have grinded it in parts. If you are making it in large quantity, then never stir the cashews together, otherwise what will happen is that the part at the bottom will get more grinded and oil will start coming out of it. So when you grind cashews, you have to pay special attention to this thing. By the way, it is very easy to make. Once you make it, you will get an idea. So see, I have sieved it. Now what will we do, we will put the milk powder that was in it. You can use milk powder of any brand. It will be very good.
 Our cashew pistachio will get its texture. So after mixing it, we will leave it on the side. So see, when festivals come, when we go to the market, we get to see very good sweets and after seeing them, we feel like buying them immediately. But they are made many days in advance. So you can easily make it at home. Now, after removing the peel of the pistachio, we will remove its peel and then grind it in the mixer jar. What will happen by removing the peel is that the color inside will be visible. So, remove the peel. After removing all the peels, After that I have grinded it in a mixer jar
 and when you grind it, do not add water at all and we do not need a fine paste like we did with cashews, we do not need it like that, even if it is a little coarse, it will be fine. Now we will prepare the syrup, here we need a single string syrup, so we will add 3/4 cup water in the sugar, there is 300 grams of sugar and 3/4 cup water will go in it, so until our sugar does not dissolve well, we have to keep the flame of the gas slow and keep stirring in such a way that the sugar melts quickly. Now when the sugar
 melts, we will make the flame of the gas between medium or medium high and cook the syrup well till it becomes a single string. See, the biggest problem is that if your syrup does not become a single string, then your cashew pistachio roll will become a little sticky, the texture will not be good, so the syrup Let it boil on high flame or between medium and high. When you see bubbles coming out, then check it. If a string is forming, then your syrup is perfectly ready and you will be able to make very good cashew pistachio rolls from it. And really
Believe me friends, when you make it at home and serve it to the guests, no one will believe that you have made it at home. They are prepared so well. So see, now the syrup has become like a string. So we also check it. Those who make it regularly come to know. Look, a string is forming very well. So what will we do now? We have to slow down the flame of the gas and we will put cashew and milk powder in it and mix it. Keep in mind that whenever you make syrup, take a wide pan.
 Take a pan, that is, a vessel with a wide bottom, it will be easy for you to mix and it should also have a heavy bottom because cashews stick to the bottom quickly. So if it sticks to the bottom then its taste and colour both will get spoiled so you also have to keep in mind that you should take a pan with a slightly heavy bottom or take a nonstick pan, so here I have taken nonstick, now keep on mixing it like this after some time it will start becoming thick and as I tell you that if you have taken a wire bottom pan then it will start thickening

If you have made a sugar syrup and there is something missing in it
 You have taken it out quickly, then how do you check it? So right now I have added a spoonful of ghee here. Adding ghee will give a very good texture and will also add a little shine. So if your sugar syrup is right or not, you have to double check it. So what you do now is that take out this mixture on a plate a little and let it cool down a little. When it cools down, you have to see that it is forming like a ball. It is not sticking to your hands. So see that a small ball is formed from it. It will have such a texture. If it is not sticking to the hand
 Then your mixture is perfectly ready. But if it is sticking to the hand and is not forming a good ball, then what do you do? Cook it on a slow flame for five to seven minutes like this. So if your sugar syrup is not cooked properly, it will also set. But right now our mixture is perfect. So what do we do? We will take a silicone mat like this. If you have one, If not, you can take any baking paper or turn any big plate upside down, grease it with ghee and pour this mixture on it
We have to let it cool down a little and we will save some mixture inside the pan and then we will make the inside part of the pistachio roll with it, so see, I have kept some aside, the gas is still off and we will add the pistachios that we had ground, because if you go to make the roll with pistachios like this, then it will not bind well and I have added a little food color here so that it gets a very nice green color, see today we are making it like the market one, so I have told you the whole procedure, but if you are making it at home and you do not want to add color, then you can skip it as well, mix it well, the mixture of cashews will mix with the pistachios and give a good binding, so here we will keep stirring it in such a way so that it cools down, the gas is still off, so keep in mind that I have not turned the gas on You just have to mix it in the pan. Now we have to cool down our cashew mixture. So we will lift the mat like this and keep mixing it inwards like this. What will happen by doing this is that this mixture will be massaged very well and its texture will become

 very smooth. So see, I have done it like this for about five minutes, so it has cooled down. The consistency has also become a little thicker than before. So you have to bring it to this stage. Keep massaging it for five to six minutes and keep mixing it. Its texture will become very good. Now your base is ready. If you want to make it, you can also make cashew katli from it. If you know how to make it, then you can make any fancy cashew sweet that is available in the market. And the pistachio one has also cooled down. So what will we do with it?

 Prepare a roll and I have told you the whole recipe step by step. If you are making it for the first time, then all the I have told all the tips and tricks so that you do not make any mistake anywhere and see if you feel that something is sticking to your hands even a little bit then let it cool down a little and prepare the roll in this way and if you make it of a big size then you will not be able to handle it so what do you do, cut it in two parts like this and then prepare the roll so here I have taken a silicon mat and applied ghee on it so it is not sticking but if
 you do not have it then you can clean the platform also and apply ghee on it and do this process now we will also divide the cashew mixture into two parts and we have to roll one part in a rectangle shape so here I have taken a rolling pin and applied it on it and greased it well and take a little thicker roll then your work will become easy see outside the confectioners make it so they have a big rolling pin and there are big platforms where they work but when we make it at home then we have to make a little adjustment But when the sweets prepared at home are very good and everyone likes them, then all our hard work becomes successful. We will cut it from the side so that our roll is prepared perfectly. See, when we are preparing it with so much hard work, we will prepare it in such a way that we feel like eating it just by looking at it because if you see it in the market, you get to know about its taste later but the sweets are so beautiful that we feel like eating it just by looking at it and we immediately buy it. Now we will arrange the roll on it and we have to fold it a little tight. So we will keep folding it in this way, there should be no space in the middle, if you want, you can also prepare it in the same way like the cashew anji roll and yes, the rolls that you buy in the market, the cashew pistachio roll, do not have pistachio in it, it is a mixture of cashew nuts, people add a little light color in it and it sets, but if we are preparing it at home, we add pistachio in it and prepare it in this way We will see it is a little thick so we will first join it and make it a little longer and then prepare it by making a cut in the middle. If you roll it so big
 then you will not be able to handle it and you have to make it the same from all sidesTo make it, it is necessary to make a cut in the middle like this, if you make a cut, then your work will become very easy and remember not to make it too thin, otherwise what will happen is that only the green pistachio will be visible to you and the white part will not be visible, so now after preparing the roll in this way, I have applied silver work, if you want to skip it, then you can make it without applying the work, now here I have cut a 1 inch roll and then prepare all the others with that measurement, so see
 How good it looks, just by looking at it, you will feel like eating it and from this quantity, 700 grams of cashew pistachio rolls will be ready, so all the rolls are ready, if I tell you its texture, it is very good, you can easily store it for 8 to 10 days outside and for 15 to 20 days in the fridge, so friends, from where are you watching this recipe, do tell in the comment from where you are connected with me and if you liked the recipe, then share it with your friends and family Don't forget to share it with us, we will meet again with a new recipe



300 grams cashewnut

300 gram sugar

100 gram milk powder

50 gram pista 

green food color { optional }

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