Nylon Khaman

Nylon Khaman (Khaman Dhokla)
Total Duration: 35 minutes
Course: Snack
Cuisine: Indian (Gujarati)
Origin: Gujarat, India
Brief Description:
Khaman Dhokla, or Nylon Khaman, is a well-liked Gujarati delicacy made with a batter of fermented chickpea flour.
It is steamed to perfection and seasoned with a tempering of mustard seeds, curry leaves, and green chilies, giving it a flavourful and tangy taste.
This soft and spongy snack is enjoyed as a breakfast item or as a light meal or snack throughout the day.
Nylon Khaman boasts a soft and spongy texture achieved through proper fermentation.
The spicy tempering of curry leaves, mustard seeds, and green chilies intensifies its flavour.
An adaptable that works well for breakfast, tea time, or as a small meal.
It is gluten-free and provides a healthier alternative to fried treats because it is steam-cooked.
Nylon Khaman is an Indian dish that comes from Gujarat and showcases the region's rich culinary history.


For the Batter:
1)   Prepare Khiru:
Take Gram Flour, Sour Curd, and Water.
For an appropriate mixing, whisk them together.
Cover the pot and let it sit overnight.
Next day, gently mix the khiru.
2)   Prepare Khaman Batter:
To the khiru, add Salt, Oil, Powdered Sugar, and ENO.
Mix them properly.
3)   Prepare the Steamer:
Take a mold and grease all sides with oil.
Prepare a steamer by adding water and half a piece of lemon for steaming.
4)   Steam the Khaman:
Pour the Khaman batter into the greased mold and tap the mold to remove any air bubbles.
When the water in the steamer is hot enough, place the mold in it.
Keep the gas flame high.
Cover the steamer and steam.
5)   Check for Doneness:
After steaming, open the steamer and use a knife to make sure the Khaman is steam-cooked all the way through.
6)   Cooling and Seasoning:
Turn off the gas and let the mold cool.
Once cooled, add the prepared seasoning to the Khaman.
Tap the mold and let it sit for proper absorption of the seasoning.
7)   Serve:
Remove the Khaman from the mold and serve it in a dish.
For Seasoning (Vaghar):
1)   Prepare Seasoning:
Heat Oil in a pan.
Once hot, add Khamani Big Mustard Seeds, Asafoetida, Green and Red Chillies, and Curry Leaves.
Add Water, Salt, Sugar, and Finely Chopped Coriander Leaves.
Mix them properly.
After the sugar melts, remove from the heat and stir in the lemon juice.
Let the seasoning aside for a while.
To prevent lumps, ensure that you thoroughly combine the batter.
Use a mold of the appropriate size to ensure even steaming.
Use a knife to make sure the Khaman is well-cooked.
Allow the Khaman to cool slightly before adding the seasoning to prevent it from becoming soggy.
Be careful when handling hot steam from the steamer.
Use caution when flipping the Khaman to avoid burning yourself.
Before serving, let the Khaman cool sufficiently to prevent burns.


1)   For Khiru:
Gram Flour - 1 cup
Sour Curd - ½ cup
Water - ¼ cup
Powdered sugar
2)   For Seasoning (Vaghar):
Oil - 2 Tablespoon
Khamani Big Mustard Seeds (Specialized for seasoning) - 1 Teaspoon
Asafoetida - ½ Teaspoon
Green and Red Chillies - A little
Curry Leaves - A little
Water - 1 cup (250ml)
Salt - 1 cup
Sugar - 2 Tablespoon
Finely Chopped Coriander Leaves - A little
Lemon Juice - ½ Piece

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