welcome to kitchen krafts! Today we are going to make homemade salted peanuts with this
simple and satisfying recipe. Perfect for snacking or entertaining, these salted peanuts are
crispy, flavorful, and healthier than store-bought alternatives. By following a few easy steps,
you can create a delicious snack that everyone will love.


1. Preparing Peanuts:
- Fill a pot with 4 cups of water and heat it over medium-low flame until it becomes warm.
Avoid boiling the water to prevent the peanuts' outer layer from peeling off.
- Add 2 cups of peanuts to the warm water and let them soak for 3-4 minutes. Ensure the
water is not too hot to maintain the peanuts' color.
- After 3-4 minutes, remove the peanuts from the water and transfer them to a bowl.
2. Seasoning with Salt:
- While the peanuts are still wet, sprinkle salt over them according to your taste
preferences. You can also add a teaspoon of black salt for additional flavor.
- Mix the salt thoroughly with the peanuts to ensure even coating. Let the peanuts sit for
3-4 minutes to absorb the salt.
3. Cooking the Peanuts:
- In a large utensil, heat a significant quantity of salt over medium-high flame until it
becomes hot. This heated salt will be used to cook the peanuts.
- Carefully add the salt-coated peanuts to the hot salt in the utensil. Initially, the peanuts
will have a visible coat of salt, but it will gradually dissipate as they cook.
- Stir the peanuts continuously to prevent burning and ensure even cooking. Initially, the
peanuts may feel heavy, but as they cook, they will become lighter.
- Keep the flame on medium-high for the first 3-4 minutes to ensure the peanuts cook
properly. Then, reduce the flame to low for the remaining cooking time to achieve crispiness.
4. Ensuring Crispiness:

- It will take approximately 10-12 minutes for the peanuts to cook thoroughly and become
crispy. The colour will turn slightly darker, and the outer layer will start to peel off.
- Lighter-coloured peanuts are preferred for this recipe as they contain less oil and provide
a better texture.
- To test the peanuts' crispiness, allow them to cool slightly, then touch them to feel the
outer layer peeling off and hear a crunch when pressed. This indicates they are ready.
5. Cooling and Storing:
- Once the peanuts are cooked to perfection, use a sieve or mesh strainer to separate
them from the salt.
- Allow the peanuts to cool completely on a wide plate before transferring them to an
airtight container. Avoid packing them while hot to prevent moisture retention.
- The homemade salted peanuts can be stored in an airtight container for 1-1.5 months,
maintaining their texture and flavor.

Enjoy the delightful crunch taste of homemade salted peanuts with this easy-to-follow recipe.
By preparing them at home, you can ensure their quality, freshness, and hygiene while
enjoying a healthier alternative to store-bought snacks. Give this recipe a try and treat
yourself to a satisfying snack that's perfect for any occasion.


- 2 cups peanuts (preferably light pink variety)
- Salt ( in place of sand )
- Black salt or salt (optional, 1 teaspoon)

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